If you have comments or questions about the application, send them to glen@VipassanaDataTracker.com
I started a formal meditation practice using the Zen style in 2004, becoming a Yoga teacher and an Ayurveda practitioner, practicing and helping others with life style changes. In 2014, during a life changing crisis, I sat my first course in Vipassana. It cleared my mind of the distracting thoughts, and was consistent with my practice. Currently I travel for self enrichment, sitting courses all over the world, mostly in the US, Asia and Europe.
The next phase of this project is to sync data in a cloud drive of the users choice so multiple devices can shear the same data base. I offer the Vipassana Data Tracker at no cost to all Vipassana mediators, in the hopes of making their life easier. If you feel a need to help out in this quest, click below.
May all beings find peace, the oldest wish, the newest hope,